Why doesn’t Steve Santarsiero just resign at this point?
October 25, 2016
It looks like career politician Steve Santarsiero is skipping work in Harrisburg again this week. This shouldn’t come as a shock considering Santarsiero skipped votes last week to address sanctuary cities and nearly 70% of votes in September.
Let’s flip the script for a second – when Brian Fitzpatrick was overseas interrogating terrorists, what would happen if he chose not to show up to work? And when Brian Fitzpatrick was putting corrupt Democrat and Republican elected officials in jail, what would happen if he didn’t do his job?
Why is Santarsiero like every other Harrisburg politician who thinks he deserves special treatment?
NRCC Comment: “If Steve Santarsiero is going to be a no-show Harrisburg politician, then why doesn’t he just resign at this point? It’s not like Santarsiero’s constituents would miss him considering he has never had a single bill signed into law in 8 years as a Harrisburg politician.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack