New NRCC TV Ad Keeps Spotlight On Morgan Carroll’s Bad Judgment
The National Republican Congressional Committee is on the airwaves today with a new ad keeping the spotlight on Morgan Carroll’s bad judgment. Unbelievably, Carroll was “the only one” to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.
NRCC Statement: “Colorado voters have every right to wonder what exactly Morgan Carroll was thinking when she was the only lawmaker to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter
WOMAN 1: Morgan Carroll. She should’ve known better.
WOMAN 2: Morgan Carroll opposed requiring convicted sex offenders to register their online profiles.
WOMAN 3: Making it harder to track online sex offenders and child predators.
WOMAN 4: Putting her own agenda ahead of our safety.
WOMAN 1: And Morgan Carroll was the only one to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.
WOMAN 5: The only one.
WOMAN 6: The only one.
WOMAN 4: The only one.
WOMAN 3: I just don’t understand what Morgan Carrol was thinking.
ANNOUNCER: The NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.