New NRCC TV Ad Keeps Spotlight On Morgan Carroll’s Bad Judgment

October 25, 2016

The National Republican Congressional Committee is on the airwaves today with a new ad keeping the spotlight on Morgan Carroll’s bad judgment. Unbelievably, Carroll was “the only one” to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.

Click here to watch the ad.

NRCC Statement: “Colorado voters have every right to wonder what exactly Morgan Carroll was thinking when she was the only lawmaker to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter


WOMAN 1: Morgan Carroll. She should’ve known better.

WOMAN 2: Morgan Carroll opposed requiring convicted sex offenders to register their online profiles.

WOMAN 3: Making it harder to track online sex offenders and child predators.

WOMAN 4: Putting her own agenda ahead of our safety.

WOMAN 1: And Morgan Carroll was the only one to vote against tougher penalties for child predators using the internet.

WOMAN 5: The only one.

WOMAN 6: The only one.

WOMAN 4: The only one.

WOMAN 3: I just don’t understand what Morgan Carrol was thinking.

ANNOUNCER: The NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.