New NRCC TV hits tax-dodging DC insider LuAnn Bennett
LuAnn Bennett is a DC carpetbagger trying to buy a seat in Congress in Northern Virginia. She has a history of breaking her word just so she can pay less in taxes. The NRCC is out with a new television ad exposing Bennett’s shady tax history and using the government to line her pockets.
NRCC Comment: “LuAnn Bennett is a DC carpetbagger who wants higher taxes for everyone else and lower taxes for herself. Bennett cannot be trusted to represent the people of Northern Virginia because she is a party insider from downtown Washington, DC.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack
Remember this tax dodge?
LuAnn Bennett was supposed to build a preschool;
But developer Bennet sat on the property for 20 years to avoid paying taxes.
Now Bennett may be avoiding other taxes…
Bennett owns a swanky Georgetown condo. But claims to live in Virginia for politics.
Why? Bennett’s skipped out on paying taxes all those years by claiming she’s a Virginian.
LuAnn Bennett. She makes government work… for her.
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