Why is Colleen Deacon still silent despite search warrants & probable cause?

October 31, 2016

deaconColleen Deacon recently said, “Leaders take stands early, they don’t fall in line when politically expedient.” So now that we know the FBI obtained a search warrant, demonstrating probable cause that a crime was committed related to Hillary Clinton’s emails, why is Deacon still silent?

What does Deacon think about the FBI finding probable cause of a crime being committed to the extent that a judge issued a warrant?  Will Deacon withdraw her support of Hillary Clinton?  Will Deacon call on Hillary Clinton to drop out of the race?

Leaders take stands early, Colleen.  You said so yourself.

NRCC Comment: “As Colleen Deacon said, ‘Leaders take stands early, they don’t fall in line when politically expedient.’ Does this mean Colleen Deacon will call on Hillary Clinton to step aside now that the FBI found probable cause of a crime being committed related to her emails that led to a judge issuing a search warrant?” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack