New NRCC TV ad highlights Angie Craig’s support for Obamacare and Hillary’s big spending

November 1, 2016

Everyone pays if Angie Craig gets elected. Craig has promised to expand Obamacare, which has led to higher premiums and Medicare cuts. And Angie Craig is an enthusiastic supporter of Hillary Clinton’s plan to increase spending by $350 billion. But it should come as no surprise that Craig would give a blank check to Hillary Clinton, given that she is a big donor to Hillary’s campaign.

Click here to watch the ad.

NRCC Statement: “Not only has Angie Craig vowed to expand Obamacare, she is also an enthusiastic supporter of Hillary Clinton’s budget-busting plan to raise spending by $350 billion. Minnesotans can’t afford to send Angie Craig to Washington.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera



 Everyone pays if Angie Craig gets elected.

Craig’s promised more Obamacare:

Higher premiums for our families.

Medicare cuts for seniors.

A tax- raiser and budget- buster, Craig backs Hillary’s plan adding three hundred billion in new spending, giving Clinton a blank check.

No surprise there — Craig cut a check to Clinton’s campaign, coughing up thousands.

We’ll pay, too, if Craig goes to Congress.

Angie Craig costs too much money.

The NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.