New NRCC TV ad: Myers & Babinec would rubber stamp Clinton’s agenda

November 1, 2016

Obamacare has been a disaster for Upstate New York, but Kim Myers still supports it. And Martin Babinec’s company profited from it. No wonder they both support Hillary Clinton. The NRCC is out with a new TV ad explaining that Myers and Babinec would both be a rubber stamp for a liberal Hillary Clinton agenda.

NRCC Comment: “Kim Myers and Martin Babinec are two out-of-touch multimillionaires who don’t understand how Obamacare has adversely affected Upstate families. Upstate voters deserve better than two liberals like Kim Myers and Martin Babinec, who would be a rubber stamp for a disastrous Hillary Clinton agenda.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack


“Obamacare is killing jobs in the New York area”

“Insurance premiums on Obamacare exchanges will rise twenty five percent”

“Dire consequences for seniors “


Obamacare is crushing upstate New York.

But liberal Kim Myers still supports it.

And millionaire insider Martin Babinec? His company profited from Obamacare.

No wonder they both support Hillary Clinton.

Liberal Kim Myers and Martin Babinec will rubber stamp Clinton’s liberal agenda that’s crushing us.

NRCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.