Joe Garcia lies about returning wife beater Ibrahim Al-Rashid’s money

November 3, 2016

garciaRemember when Joe Garcia said he would return the $10,600 he accepted from admitted wife beater, Ibrahim Al-Rashid? Garcia said he couldn’t return the $5,200 from 2014, but would donate the $5,400 from 2016 to Planned Parenthood.

According to FEC filings that never happened. Garcia voided the $5,000 check he wrote to Planned Parenthood, which means Garcia is funding his FL-26 campaign with money from a wife beater.

And yes, this is the same Joe Garcia who was caught making lewd sexist comments about Hillary Clinton.

Sensing a pattern?

NRCC Comment: “The fact that Joe Garcia lied about returning the campaign money he accepted from an admitted wife beater is a telling sign on how he values women. This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise considering Joe Garcia quantified Hillary Clinton’s qualifications for president on whether or not he would have sex with her.” –NRCC Spokesman Chris Pack