NRCC Releases Web Video Titled “Single-Payer”

March 29, 2017

The National Republican Congressional Committee today released the web video “Single-Payer” which highlights a revived push for a single-payer healthcare system by Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats.

“If resounding losses election after election thanks to Obamacare weren’t enough, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats hatched a genius plan to go even further left,” said NRCC Communications Director Matt Gorman.

“Every single Democrat on the ballot will be forced to answer why they support even more government controls on their healthcare.”


Bret Baier: “Obamacare is not going to hold up as it is.”

Nancy Pelosi: “I wanted a public option as I think everyone knows.”

Town Hall Attendee: “Please come out Speaker Pelosi and say we support single-payer. That is our aim!”

Nancy Pelosi: “I wanted a public option.”

Nancy Pelosi: “I have always supported that. I have been supporting that since before you were born.”