What was she thinking?

April 17, 2017

Over the weekend, the Arizona Republic reported that Kyrsten Sinema took over $10,000 last year from the founders of Backpage.com, who are under investigation for their website’s involvement in child prostitution.

Sinema repeatedly refused to address the scandal, only to later respond by citing her campaign’s decision to donate the dirty money elsewhere.

But not so fast – these allegations against the founders of Backpage aren’t new. Sinema took their money after the suit implicating the men began moving forward in 2015, and only gave the money away once she got caught. This just became a major political liability for Sinema, whose bungled handling of the issue calls into question her judgment and character.

“What the hell was Kyrsten Sinema thinking? Arizonans are slow to forgive morally challenged politicians like Kyrsten Sinema accepting dirty money – even less so when they only come clean once they’ve been caught. It’s clear Kyrsten’s desire for higher office has clouded her judgment to the point of failing to know the difference between right and wrong.” -NRCC Spokesman Jack Pandol