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May 22, 2017
Carol Shea-Porter and Annie Kuster have some explaining to do.
A confidential document obtained by the New Hampshire Union Leader reveals Obamacare consumers could face premium increases as high as 44 percent in 2018:
The document is based on claims data. The bottom line: rates could increase by an average of 44 percent, nearly a third of that to correct for low premiums this year and another third in anticipation of upward trends in medical care and pharmaceuticals, the document states.
In the last few weeks, early indications of similar increases have been made public in several other states.
Despite ongoing premium increases and major insurance companies fleeing the marketplace, both Shea-Porter and Kuster want to keep Obamacare as-is.
When will they finally put politics aside and admit the Obamacare death spiral is devastating their constituents?