Murphy playing political games

May 24, 2017

The Department of Health and Human Services released a new report today that shows some pretty staggering numbers on Obamacare. From 2013 -2017, premiums went up by a whopping 84% in Florida.

Additionally, they found that every single state that uses saw large premium increases in the four year span, and average individual market premiums went up by 105%.

If health care costs are the least bit concerning to you, don’t go crying to Stephanie Murphy. She supports the death-spiraling law and wants to keep it as is, despite these shocking numbers.

“Stephanie Murphy is now fully aware that Florida families have faced an over $200 increase to their premiums under Obamacare. If she is as concerned with her constituents as she is with keeping her seat in Congress, she should act now by agreeing to work together with House Republicans who are getting things done instead of playing political games.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Maddie Anderson