Democrats Vote Against Veterans’ Healthcare Choice
House Democrats have no limit to their obstruction.
Last night, they aggressively defeated a bill which would give veterans the choice to receive healthcare at the facility which best fits their needs.
House Democrats’ political grandstanding stood in the way of giving our veterans the care they earned.
Via Politico:
“House Democrats sank two key bills on the House floor Monday, embarrassing Republican leaders who were banking on the noncontroversial legislation sailing through — in a new sign of the opposition’s party’s frustration with the majority’s approach.
Kicking off a busy week in the House, most Democrats and a handful of Republicans joined forces to deny GOP leaders big-enough majorities to pass an annual intelligence policy bill and legislation to restore funding for a key veterans health care program.
Both bills came to the House floor Monday under suspension of the rules, an expedited process that allows for less than an hour of debate and no amendments but also requires a two-thirds majority for passage.
The suspension process is typically used for noncontroversial bills that have broad bipartisan support. One suspension bill failing on the House floor is a rarity, but two back to back is extremely rare.
Next, Democrats united to defeat a $2 billion bill to replenish for six months the emergency Veterans Choice Program, which subsidizes private medical care outside the Veterans Affairs Department for veterans facing lengthy wait times and is set to run dry in August.
Following the vote, House Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Phil Roe (R-Tenn.) fired back at Democrats, contending the bill had bipartisan support ahead of Monday’s debate.
“This was a bipartisan agreement, and I’m disappointed the concerns raised on the House floor today were not mentioned during what I thought was an open and honest conversation,” Roe said in a statement.”