Democrats’ 2018 Messaging Strategy Is So Bad, Even Pelosi Can’t Remember It
Is this just another Nancy Pelosi gaffe?
No, the Democratic message is that forgettable.
Via NTK:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) again struggled with the Democrats’ “A Better Deal,” this time referring to it as the “New Deal” during a roundtable with the Colorado Democratic Party on Wednesday.
“We don’t want to be fearmongers. You’re going to see us taking the New Deal,” Pelosi told the crowd, touting the Democrats’ new platform “A Better Deal.”
Pelosi quickly corrected herself after mistaking the “New Deal” with “A Better Deal.”
The “New Deal” was a series of domestic programs enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to help America out of the Great Depression in the 1930s.
This isn’t the first time Pelosi has struggled with the Democrats’ new platform. Last week, Pelosi appeared to need the assistance of brochure to remember what is in “A Better Deal.”