does Ron Kind feel the Bern?
Ron Kind is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
From the beginning, Kind has been an ardent defender of Obamacare. Even with the law in a death-spiral – premiums increasing by 93 percent and insurers fleeing – Kind hasn’t flinched.
But Bernie Sanders has taken control of the Left’s healthcare platform, and today he unveiled his long-awaited single-payer legislation.
According to POLITICO Magazine: “The Democratic Party now is, for all intents and purposes, the party of single-payer health insurance.”
Studies reveal that single-payer would cost taxpayers a staggering $32 trillion over the next ten years. Looking past the massive tax increases it would take to fund such a program, polling reveals that most Americans aren’t thrilled at the idea of the federal government controlling every aspect of their healthcare decisions.
Does Ron Kind stand with Bernie Sanders and national Democrats in supporting single-payer healthcare?