he won’t go away
Career politician Brad Ashford is like the gum on the bottom of your shoe – no matter how hard you try to scrape him off, he keeps clinging on for dear life.
It’s not like Ashford shouldn’t have gotten the message, either. After voting twice for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker, voting with her nearly 80% of the time in Congress, and declaring “I’ll be whatever you want me to be” to win a vote, Ashford earned the indignity of being the only House Democrat to lose re-election to a Republican last year.
Ashford’s comeback tour this year has already been disastrous – being criticized as sexist for sidelining his wife so he could run, taking money from a party official who wished death on a U.S. Congressman, publicly flip-flopping on the Keystone XL pipeline and DACA, and ducking questions on whether he’d vote for Pelosi again or support single-payer healthcare.
“Hard-working Nebraskans want a trustworthy leader who will work hard for them – not another flip-flopping blowhard like Brad Ashford.” -NRCC Spokesman Jack Pandol