most demented comments of 2017?
As John McCain undergoes treatment for an aggressive brain tumor, Matt Cartwright is using his ailment to score cheap political points in the ongoing healthcare debate.
Via Fox News:
A Pocono Mountain congressman said at a town hall that he hopes Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will vote against the Graham-Cassidy health care bill because he’s currently “staring death in the face.”
“McCain – I’m worried about,” Cartwright said. “Something tells me, McCain – he’s staring death in the face right now – so he’s probably going to make good choices and he’s not going to bend to political pressure,” Cartwright told the Coal Region audience.
Under Obamacare, healthcare premiums in Pennsylvania have increased by 120 percent since 2013 – and these closed-door comments prove that Matt Cartwright will do or say anything to prop up his party’s failed status quo.