already calling for tax increases?

November 9, 2017

Nancy Pelosi and Washington Democrats are not going to be pleased with Jared Golden’s radio interview this morning.

Golden was asked on the Ken & Matt Show how the state will pay for the $50 million-per-year Medicaid Expansion Initiative – specifically whether Golden would support a tax increase.

After several minutes of non-answers and spin, interviewers pressed Golden for specifics:

Matt Gagnon: “Are Democrats willing to go to a place where you raise taxes on the citizens of Maine, or are they going to look at other areas to cut?”

Golden: “Maybe it is a combination of cuts and new revenues. One way or another, we’re gonna do it…”

This isn’t the first time Golden has pushed for higher taxes on Mainers. He’s a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders’ socialist single-payer health care system, would cost taxpayers $32 trillion over ten years…