Those who live in glass houses…

December 7, 2017

Shouldn’t throw misinformed stones.

You may have noticed the Dems’ recent misguided attempt to blame Republicans for the expiration of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Perhaps they’re suffering from temporary memory loss, since it’s been just five weeks since 174 Democrats voted to kill CHIP.

To recap:

  • In 2010, a Democrat-led majority first voted to jack up premiums under Obamacare
  • On November 3rd, party-line Democrats voted to protect subsidies for the 1% at children’s expense
  • Now, in a desperate attempt to hide from their self-interested past, they’re pointing fingers at Republicans

Meanwhile, the Republican-led House just passed a bill that includes money for CHIP through unused government funds.

When will the Democrats stop playing dirty politics and vote in the best interest of Americans?