NRCC Statement Welcoming DC Lobbyist Steven Horsford to NV-4 Race

January 25, 2018

The National Republican Congressional Committee released the following statement welcoming Washington, DC, lobbyist Steven Horsford to the race for Nevada’s Fourth Congressional District:

“While DC lobbyist Steven Horsford is packing up and moving back to Nevada from his ritzy digs in Washington, middle class voters are still wondering: why do Democrats like Horsford and Nancy Pelosi want to rip away our tax reform bonuses and pay raises?” – NRCC Spokesman Jack Pandol

Nevada Democratic Congresswoman Dina Titus told the Las Vegas Sun that she could not support a potential Horsford bid for Congress: “Titus noted Horsford stayed in Washington after the [2014] loss to work as a lobbyist. ‘You can kind of seeing the ads writing themselves,’ Titus said.”