time to think about things

May 2, 2018

VA-10 Democrats have been all over the place on Nancy Pelosi. They were able to get away with it until now.

From the Boston Globe: “We will win. I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too.” – Nancy Pelosi

When Jennifer Wexton was asked about supporting Pelosi last year, she had this to say: “For how many of you is this one of your top concerns?” She went on to say she hadn’t thought about it at all.

Given that if elected, Wexton’s first real vote would be for Speaker of the House…..I find it odd that she hasn’t given it a single thought.

Unfortunately for her, Pelosi’s comments to the Boston Globe make the question hard to dodge – if Jennifer Wexton somehow makes it to Washington, she will have to choose between voting for Nancy Pelosi or voting for the Republican for Speaker. Which one will it be??

I think I know the answer to that. See below.