
July 6, 2018

While many of us celebrated Independence Day this week, Kathy Manning declared her independence from the Democratic party.

In her declaration, Manning very bravely vowed to oppose Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi as Speaker should she win in November.


After refusing to disavow Pelosi earlier in the year, Manning is clearly acting out of political expediency.

These antics used to appear more bipartisan are embarrassing – trying to convince voters that she has any semblance of independence by vowing to:

1. Oppose a member who already announced he won’t be in Congress next year.

2. Oppose a member she and her husband have supported for decades.

NC voters can see right through her efforts. Not only is Kathy a longtime donor to the Democratic party and a dedicated supporter of Pelosi’s agenda, but she’s also accepted thousands from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Her claim to oppose Pelosi and act independently is as believable as Brooklyn having the best barbeque.