
July 24, 2018

The Federalist is bringing attention to a disturbing instance of censorship in NY-19:

Rep. Jon Faso, a Republican seeking re-election in a hotly contested New York district, called out his opponent for referring to women as “cheap -ss hoes” (obscenity altered) in a rap lyric. Under the stage name “AD the Voice,” Antonio Delgado, who is running as a Democrat against Faso, also had some negative things to say about the police. In another lyric, Delgado reportedly sings: “When I spit, they (cops) sh-t” (obscenity altered).

After the New York Times accused Congressman Faso of “race baiting,” he responded by exposing Delgado for his anti-police and anti-women rhetoric in a rebuttal op-ed. The Times edited his response by removing the lyrics quoted above…

Spoiler: Antonio Delgado won’t be able to hide this disturbing rhetoric from voters – and I have a feeling his “art form” defense isn’t going to cut it.