killer campaigner vs party city rep

September 17, 2018

In case you missed it – Barbara Comstock once again out-campaigned Jennifer Wexton over the weekend.

At Friday night’s Hob Nob in the Valley, Comstock addressed the crowd personally, while Jennifer Wexton sent an impersonal video for attendees to watch in her absence.

From the Winchester Star:

“I’m Barbara Comstock and, unlike my opponent, I’m here,” said the Republican who currently holds Virginia’s 10th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
After taking some gentle jabs at her Democratic challenger, state Sen. Jennifer Wexton, Comstock gave an overview of her voting record since first being elected to a two-year term in 2014. She said she has pushed for Interstate 81 improvements, solutions to the opioid epidemic, economic prosperity, veterans’ benefits and more.
“This is an agenda to embrace, not resist,” Comstock said.
Wexton sent a brief video that was more of a campaign ad than a personalized address.

This comes just days after Jennifer Wexton skipped out on 9/11 remembrance events in favor of a political fundraiser. At least she sent out a Facebook post to honor the victims – oh wait. She just copy and pasted her post from 2017.