Dems try shifting the blame

January 25, 2019

As we enter Day 35 of the government shutdown, Democrats are trying to shuffle the blame to Republicans, even as Nancy Pelosi continues her childish antics, refusing to find a solution to pay government workers and fix our porous borders. Making matters worse, instead of working around the clock to get a deal done, she sent members home to their districts.

Federal workers facing increasingly dire economic situations have only Pelosi to blame, after she has said NO to deal after deal, and has yet to offer a proposal to get folks back to work.

NRCC Comment: “Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats need to stop playing politics and start doing their jobs so federal workers can get paid and get back to work. Voters are seeing the extreme measures Pelosi is willing to take to please her radical caucus of Trump haters and won’t forget Democrats put political games before the nation’s security.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams