Luria’s silence on post-birth abortions is paid for

January 31, 2019

Elaine Luria still hasn’t said a word about Virginia Democrats’ bill to legalize infanticide and her state’s Governor, Ralph Northam’s, sickening support of it.

If you are wondering why Luria has gone silent, follow the money. Abortionist group, Emily’s List, through their Women Vote! PAC spent $357,801 to elect Luria.

$357,801. That’s all it takes for Elaine Luria to keep quiet about killing newborns.

NRCC Comment: “Elaine Luria has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by abortionists to keep her mouth shut regarding her party’s support of murdering newborns. It is disgusting.” -NRCC Spokeswoman Camille Gallo