spin zone

February 25, 2019

In one head spinning response, Craig agreed to a single-payer system (which she would later walk back), stated her absolute support for universal coverage, offered a Medicare buy-in option, discussed adjusting the decade-old broken health care law because “it’s there,” and sprinkled in politically correct phrases like “pre-exisiting conditions” and “reducing costs” to cover the rest of her bases.

Minnesotans are no closer to knowing what health care reform policy their representative supports than Craig herself.

NRCC Comment: “Angie Craig claims to support everything under the health care reform sun but unfortunately for her, this isn’t the campaign trail anymore. Craig’s voting record will soon reveal the truth about where she stands on health care and she won’t be able to talk her way out of it.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Carly Atchison