Medicare for None
In his quest to turn America into Venezuela, ‘Crazy Bernie’ Sanders will be reintroducing his Medicare for All plan today, which would socialize America’s health care and leave everyone with worse care and higher costs.
Sanders’ plan follows the socialist House Democrats introducing similar legislation, which 107 members cosponsored.
The socialist Democrats’ government-run health care system would eliminate choice, while leaving Americans’ health care in the hands of government bureaucrats. It would make it illegal to offer the private and employer-sponsored plans millions of folks rely on and it would destroy the Medicare system seniors have been paying into for decades.
Oh yea, and it will cost $32 trillion…
NRCC Comment: “Bernie Sanders’ socialist health care plan highlights how radical the Democratic Party has become. Under the socialist Democrats, Americans’ health care choices will be eliminated, and we’ll be left paying the tab for a $32 trillion boondoggle.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams