TX-10 Dems off the rails
What was billed as a TX-10 Democrat candidate forum hosted by the Far Northwest Progressives turned into a three ring socialist circus last night as Shannon Hutcheson, Pritesh Gandhi and Mike Siegel opining on insane idea after insane idea.
If these are the candidates the DCCC is offering, their chances to compete in Texas are even more laughable than we thought…
Click HERE to watch Shannon Hutcheson announce her support for blanket amnesty for any illegal immigrant “who wants to be an American.”
Click HERE to listen to Pritesh Gandhi’s bizarre idea to offer tax incentives to companies who outsource jobs to Central America as a way to combat the border crisis.
Click HERE to hear about Mike Siegel’s support to ban employer-sponsored health insurance.
And Click HERE and HERE to see Hutcheson and Gandhi sign on to a plan to decriminalize illegal border crossings.