IMPEACHMENT ADVISORY: Staten Island’s biggest fraud Max Rose to defend his efforts to impeach President Trump
October 4, 2019 (Brooklyn, N.Y.) – Congressman Max Rose will be holding TWO town halls tonight where he will attempt to spin his flip flop on impeachment.
WHO: Max Rose trying to defend why anyone can trust
a word he says after flip flopping on impeachment
Town Halls
York City Veterans’ Alliance Healthy VA Town Hall at I.S. 259 William
McKinley, 7301 Fort Hamilton Parkway in Brooklyn, NY
WHEN: Tonight October 4th at 5:30 PM EDT
WHERE: Brooklyn
Commuting Town Hall at Il Centro, 8711 18th Avenue in Brooklyn, NY
WHEN: Tonight October 4th at 7:00 PM EDT
*** Constituents upset with Max Rose after he folded to the socialist Democrats, went back on his word and sold them out are encouraged to attend. ***