Katie Hill supports “big tax increases”
Policy experts and economists are sounding the alarm about Democrats’ plans for socialized medicine.
Here is the damning reality about the government-run health care plan that Katie Hill has supported “from the beginning of her campaign:”
- “Most of the proposals to move to Medicare-for-all would involve substantial tax increases that would affect most people. These are going to be big tax increases.”
- “There’s no question it hits the middle class.”
- “This has to hit the middle class.”
- “71 percent of those with private insurance would pay more in new taxes than they would save by having health insurance covered by the federal government.”
NRCC Comment: “Katie Hill’s socialist agenda will cost California families thousands of dollars, and all these families will get in return are longer lines and worse care at the doctor’s office.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair