House Dems push USMCA to next year

November 4, 2019

As Iowans call for quick passage of the USMCA to help farmers and manufacturers, Nancy Pelosi and her socialist followers are acknowledging that passage this year is impossible because of their obsession with impeachment.

And what are Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Axne doing to push back on the Democrats’ destructive agenda? Absolutely nothing…except voting right along with them on impeaching the president.

NRCC Comment: “The USMCA is a clear win for Iowa families, but Abby Finkenauer and Cindy Axne are too inept to even convince their party bosses to allow a vote on it. Finkenauer and Axne are not representing their constituents and that’s going to cost them their seats.” – NRCC Spokesman Bob Salera