[CENSORED!] NY-24 Dems Remain Silent on Bail Reform

January 31, 2020

Two of the [CENSORED] NY-24 Democrats, Francis Conole and Roger Misso, falsely accused the NRCC of denigrating their military service yesterday over the subject line of a press release focused on bail reform. 

But absent from their whining and bellyaching was an actual answer on whether they support Andrew Cuomo’s bail reform law. 

So again: do the [CENSORED] NY-24 Democrats believe violent criminals belong behind bars or not?

Central New York residents deserve to know if these [CENSORED] Democrats support this disastrous bail policy that is putting communities at risk.

Editor’s note: This e-mail was redacted in an attempt to avoid triggering these [CENSORED] NY-24 Democrats so they finally answer the question on bail reform.