What is the Deranged Socialist Loser thinking?

February 19, 2020

Just wanted to flag this Buffalo News editorial calling Deranged Socialist Loser* Nate McMurray out for his bizarre attacks against a major Western New York employer.

Judging by his Twitter, Nate isn’t taking it too well…

*(U.S. House Election Results 2018, New York Times, 01/28/19)

In case you missed it…

What’s he thinking? McMurray’s blasts at Delaware North are ill-advised

The Buffalo News

News Editorial Board

February 18, 2020


“I wanna bite the hand that feeds me; I wanna bite that hand so badly.” – Elvis Costello, “Radio Radio”

If nothing else, Nate McMurray shows that he is a fighter who doesn’t pull punches when he goes on the attack in his quest for a seat in Congress. But taking shots at the company that employs him could ricochet and leave him with a black eye or two.

McMurray is the Democratic candidate for the 27th Congressional District, a seat that has been vacant since Chris Collins resigned after pleading guilty in an insider trading case. McMurray will run in the special election in late April against State Sen. Chris Jacobs, the Republican nominee.

McMurray has been using his Twitter feed to assail Jacobs and link him to Delaware North, the hospitality and tourism giant that is one of Buffalo Niagara’s largest companies. It also happens to be McMurray’s employer. McMurray works as a vice president of business development for Delaware North. The company recently put him on unpaid administrative leave during the campaign.

To recap: McMurray, a Delaware North employee, has been aiming Twitter blasts at Chris Jacobs for being part of the family that runs Delaware North.

A story in Tuesday’s News listed two examples from McMurray’s timeline:

• “Every time I see Jacobs smiling, I think, ‘Must be easy to smile when you own the Boston Bruins, casinos, jets.’ ”

• “In our part of the world only people named Jacobs and Native Peoples (under law) got casino licenses. And now they want a Congr(e)ssman. To get more? Haven’t they got enough?”

First of all, McMurray is not being factual. Chris Jacobs has no stake in ownership of the NHL’s Boston Bruins, who were purchased by Jeremy M. Jacobs in 1975. Chris Jacobs’ grandfather was a co-founder of Delaware North and his father was a part owner until he was bought out by his brother, Jeremy, several decades ago. Leaders of the company owned by Chris Jacobs’ uncle and cousins have donated to his campaign, but Chris has no direct financial ties to the company.

McMurray says Delaware North did not ask him to take a leave when he ran for town supervisor of Grand Island in 2015 (he won), nor when he ran against Collins in 2018 (he lost).

“It sounds like a punishment,” McMurray said.

Do you think?

Taking on big business is not uncommon for candidates trying to show progressive bona fides to their Democratic base. How that will play in the 27th District – which voted for President Trump over Hillary Clinton by 24.3 points in 2016 – is for McMurray and his strategists to calculate, then for voters to decide.

McMurray’s broadsides against a company that issues thousands of paychecks to Western New Yorkers – including his – does call his judgment into question. The public has every right to expect careful, reasoned consideration of public policies from its representatives in Congress. Perhaps McMurray would benefit from a cooling-off period when he gets an itchy Twitter finger.