Christy Smith votes to spend $20 million enforcing AB5
In case you missed it, we’re in the midst of a pandemic and Christy Smith’s main priority is to spend $20 million in precious taxpayer resources enforcing a law that is causing thousands of Californians to lose their jobs.
What a double whammy – Sacramento Politician Christy Smith is wasting Californians’ money in the middle of a pandemic while causing Californians to lose their jobs in the middle of a pandemic!
Take a look at what folks across California are saying about job-killing Assembly Bill 5:
- C/Net:Uber says 158,000 drivers will lose work if they’re reclassified as employees
- Los Angeles Times: Vox Media cuts hundreds of freelance journalists as AB 5 changes loom
- CBS 8: “I have been a freelance artist for over 30 years, and I feel that my dignity has been violated. Suddenly, I am being punished,” said Elizabeth Tobias.
- Christian Lanz on Twitter: @AsmChristySmith I’m a union Voice Actor, father of two & SCV resident since 2010. Since the disastrous #AB5 renders working actors’ loan-out corps unusable, we’ll be forced to uproot our families & leave California to continue earning a living. PLEASE approve #AB1928 #RepealAB5
- San Jose Inside: “It’s been a struggle,” says Lisa Mallette, executive director of City Lights Theater Company—a small black-box theater in downtown San Jose. “We’re doing our best. We’re trying to do the right thing.”
- Orange County Register: Delivery company’s implosion shows the risk of Assembly Bill 5
- California Legislative Analyst’s Office: Only one month after AB 5 went into effect January 1, 2020, the Legislative Analyst’s Office estimated that AB 5 had already hurt more than 1 million independent contractor and freelance working Californians
- KTVU: AB5 fight intensifies during coronavirus pandemic