Cisneros lies after Young Kim ad goes after PAC money pledge
In case you missed it, Young Kim is calling out Gil Cisneros for breaking his PAC pledge.
It’s something Cisneros has lied about again, and again, and again.
Cisneros lied on October 29, 2018 when the Cisneros campaign said he wasn’t going to take ANY PAC money “period,” and still did. Read about it in the Voice of OC, here.
Cisneros lied on August 17, 2017, January 1, 2018 and October 18, 2018 when he promised he wouldn’t take corporate PAC money but still took money from corporate PAC lobbyists (which he told the Washington Examiner isn’t breaking his “pledge”) and corporate PAC money laundered through other PACs. Read about that in POLITICO here and Open Secrets, here.
Or when Cisneros lied on October 18, 2018 when he promised he wouldn’t take any money from Labor PACs or unions and still did. Now, Gil’s even going so far to say he never promised not to take labor or union money. Spoiler alert: He did promise. Watch the video, here.
NRCC Comment: “Gil Cisneros is a big liar who time and again proves he’ll put his interests over his constituents’.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair