The truth about Conor Lamb
Conor Lamb released his first ad today and there are so many lies it’s hard to keep track!
Claim: Conor Lamb has an independent streak.
The Truth: Lamb votes with San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi 93% of the time.
Claim: Conor Lamb delivered coronavirus relief funds to families and small businesses.
The Truth: Lamb and House Democrats blocked PPP loans for struggling small businesses to try and score political points.
Claim: Conor Lamb stood up to his own party to protect PA energy jobs.
The Truth: Conor Lamb endorsed Joe Biden who backed the job-killing Green New Deal, promised to “end fossil fuels” and wants to get rid of fracking.
NRCC Comment: “Conor Lamb is a lying politician who has failed to deliver for Western Pennsylvania.” – NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams