ICYMI: Emmer slams Illinois Democrats on “Chicago’s Morning Answer”
In case you missed it, NRCC Chairman Tom Emmer slammed Illinois Democrats Sean Casen and Lauren Underwood today on AM 560 “Chicago’s Morning Answer” for breaking their promise to be moderate problem solvers in Congress, and instead becoming rubber stamps for Nancy Pelosi’s partisan, far-left agenda.
Listen to Emmer call out Casten and Underwood HERE.

On Casten and Underwood breaking their promise to be moderates:
“Jim Oberweis and Jeanne Ives are two great candidates. These Democrats, Sean Casten and Lauren Underwood, promised voters last cycle that they were going to be moderate, that they were going to be independent voices in Washington. They lied.”
“House Democrats have pushed the most radical, socialist agenda from passing legislation to give each of their own campaign $5 million in publics funds to raising taxes on American workers by 20%. And the voters are going to hold them accountable at the ballot box this November for breaking those promises.”
“Keep in mind that both Lauren Underwood and Sean Casten, who promised to be moderate and said they wanted to work with both sides to get things done for Illinois families, they’ve done none of it. They’ve simply been a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi and the radical socialist agenda. Both Underwood and Casten have voted with Pelosi 100% of the time.”
On Kooky Sean Casten:
“I’ve had the exposure first hand to [Casten’s] arrogant, condescending, demeaning approach to politics. He’s not there building bridges. He’s not there building consensus… When you run on the idea that you’re going to be a moderate problem solver, when you run on the idea that you’re going to reach across the aisle and work with other people, including the administration, and then your behavior is everything but that, it’s just the opposite, I think Illinois voters are going to remember that when they go to vote for Jeanne Ives in the next 43 days.”