Welcome to the 117th Congress where socialists rule the Democrat Party and the only type of law enforcement Democrats like are the PC police.
We’re only one day in and House Democrats are dead set on expanding the insane socialist agenda that cost them seats in 2020.
House Democrats plan to pass a rules package that:
- Lets House Ethics control what news members can share, violating the First Amendment
- Takes political correctness to a whole new level literally banning words like “mom,” “dad,” “brother” and “sister”
- Makes it easier for Congress to pass socialist boondoggles like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal
- Sets a dangerous precedent silencing the minority (dismantling the rights Democrats took full advantage of when they were the minority party)
- Ensures Democrats don’t have to show up for work (some haven’t shown up since May 2020!)
NRCC COMMENT: “One day into the new Congress and the Democrats’ crazy socialist agenda is on full display, proving they didn’t learn a thing from their 2020 losses.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Torunn Sinclair