NJ Dems: Illegal immigrants can be taught in classrooms, NJ students can’t

February 26, 2021

Andy Kim said he wouldn’t reopen schools unless it’s safe, despite the CDC saying schools are safe to reopen.

Josh Gottheimer and Tom Malinowski have asked the CDC to make vaccinating all teachers a requirement to reopen schools, despite the CDC saying it wasn’t necessary.

But Kim, Gottheimer, Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have nothing to say about new reports that illegal immigrants are being taught in classrooms while well over half of New Jersey’s public schools struggle to reopen for in-person instruction.

Apparently, the teachers unions that fund their campaigns don’t care about those classrooms.

NRCC Comment: “If Andy Kim, Josh Gottheimer, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have no objection to illegal immigrants being taught in a classroom, the same should go for New Jersey students – even if it means opposing the teachers unions that fund their careers.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock