What changed for NJ Dems?

March 17, 2021

After siding with teachers unions to keep schools closed, Josh Gottheimer, Tom Malinowski, and Mikie Sherrill have miraculously had an epiphany in the last few days.

Suddenly, they realize failing to send our students back to the classroom is “damaging…to our kids.” After months of shirking CDC guidance, they now claim “nothing is more urgent than getting our children back into schools.”

The CDC has long said it’s safe for students to return to the classroom. And reports of the damage Democrats’ policies inflicted on students’ educations and mental health are nothing new.

So what changed?

Gottheimer, Malinowski, Sherrill, and their Democrat colleagues caved to their teachers union backers in their corrupt COVID bill, allocating millions of dollars to the organizations fighting to keep schools closed – and that was apparently enough for them to get permission to change their tune on reopening schools.

NRCC Comment: “Democrats are only allowed to say students should return to the classroom after unconscionably providing millions of dollars to the very organization that fought to keep schools closed.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock