Axne supports disenfranchising Iowa voters

March 18, 2021

Iowa Rep. Cindy Axne is still defending Rita Hart’s decision to bypass Iowa courts and attempt to disenfranchise Iowa voters by overturning a state-certified election.

CNN reports:  

Iowa GOP Sen. Joni Ernst said in an interview that Hart’s challenge puts the only remaining Iowa Democrat in Congress — Axne — in “jeopardy.”

Ernst asked, “Where is Cindy Axne saying, ‘This is an outrage and the Iowa voters have spoken?’ “

Axne’s spokesperson pointed CNN to a statement the congresswoman released in December. Axne said at the time that Hart has the “Constitutional and legal grounds to pursue” her case. “I support a transparent process that ensures every properly-cast vote in this contest is counted,” she added.

It’s surprising that Cindy Axne seems willing to light her political career on fire for sore loser Rita Hart but she always puts partisan politics first.