more bad polling news for House Democrats

May 19, 2021

National Journal reports a new Democrat poll shows Democrats are being forced to embrace radical policies like eliminating the filibuster and siding with Hamas terrorists because of an emerging enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats.

“Republicans are showing more enthusiasm for their party: The percentage of Democrats showing the highest levels of engagement dropped from 85 percent just before last year’s election to 57 percent in this month’s survey. By contrast, 68 percent of Republicans say they’re still highly engaged, compared to 84 percent before the election

“The results also point to a sobering reality for Democrats in our base-first political world: Without being able to rely on Trump as a one-man turnout machine for the opposition, Democrats are being pressured to tack leftward on policy in order to gin up the necessary activist enthusiasm heading into a midterm year.

“Look at several recent developments where Democratic leaders in Congress have positioned themselves to the left of Biden. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, the chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, publicly endorsed repealing the filibuster even though his most vulnerable moderate members have long been opposed. Some rank-and-file Democratic lawmakers are softening their typical rock-solid support towards Israel as violence between the Jewish state and Hamas has flared up again.”

Meanwhile, The Washington Post reports DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney conducted a polling autopsy that found Democrats’ embrace of socialism and defunding the police was unpopular with the American people.

Democrats have responded by hiring defund the police activists to lead their campaign arm and making it more profitable to collect unemployment than to get a job.