Pappas can’t defend his support for HR1

May 20, 2021

Chris Pappas declined requests to testify and defend his support for HR1 as New Hampshire House Republicans seek to counter Democrats’ corrupt legislation.

But after an amendment passed requiring state and county elections in New Hampshire be conducted using state election law, Pappas found his voice to lie about the contents of the bill.

In reality, HR1 is wildly unpopular in the Granite State with everyone from New Hampshire’s Democrat Secretary of State to the local officials tasked with actually running the state’s elections.

NRCC Comment: “Chris Pappas voted to jeopardize New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary status to make taxpayers foot the bill for his campaigns and let California control New Hampshire elections. That’s why Pappas can’t defend his support for HR1 and has to lie about its contents.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock