WSJ: Commodity Price Surges Add to Inflation Fears

June 9, 2021

The Wall Street Journal reports that a “run-up in commodity prices is casting a cloud over the global economic recovery, slamming vulnerable businesses and households and adding to fears that inflation could become more persistent.”

“The world hasn’t seen such across-the-board commodity-price increases since the beginning of the global financial crisis, and before that, the 1970s.”

And according to the WSJ report, many economists are blaming “a deliberate decision by policy makers in the U.S. and elsewhere to run their economies hot for now, with lots of stimulus” for the commodity price increases.

NRCC Comment: “Democrats’ socialist stimulus bill overheated our economy and now everything is more expensive. Americans have Democrats to blame for the skyrocketing prices of everything from gas to groceries.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg