NH-01 Poll: Democrats’ Spending will doom Pappas’ re-elect
A new poll from No Labels and HarrisX shows that New Hampshire voters are very concerned about the new spending in Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget.
Key Findings:
- 71% of NH-01 voters are concerned Democrats’ spending bill will cause runaway inflation.
- 72% of NH-01 voters are concerned Democrats’ spending bill will lead to higher taxes.
- 66% of NH-01 voters are concerned Democrats’ spending bill will lower economic growth.
- 67% of NH-01 voters are concerned Democrats’ spending bill will negatively impact their family finances.

NRCC Comment: “Granite Staters are rightly concerned that Chris Pappas’ reckless spending will lead to higher taxes and higher prices. If Pappas votes for this legislation, he will lose.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock