“Catastrophic” disarray

September 30, 2021

First Nancy Pelosi stabbed the socialist caucus in the back, now it looks like she might stab her vulnerable members in the back by breaking her promise to hold a vote on infrastructure.

Here’s how vulnerable Democrats feel about that…

Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez: “Obviously, our group will have a lot of trouble with that. And it will be catastrophic.” (The Hill)

Oregon Rep. Kurt Schrader: That’d be foolish on their part… That would indicate they’re not playing fair in the sandbox. … It would be a travesty if they try to play games.” (POLITICO)

Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin: “I feel more confident now that it will pass. But God forbid it didn’t, we’d have a real problem.” (Washington Post)

Florida Rep. Stephanie Murphy:“If the vote were to fail tomorrow or be delayed, there would be a significant breach in trust that would slow the momentum in moving forward in delivering the Biden agenda” (Associated Press)

Pennsylvania Rep. Susan Wild: “It’s a huge concern of mine… If you don’t get at least one of these bills done — specifically the hard infrastructure and preferably both — we are at substantial risk next year.”(The Philadelphia Inquirer)

New Jersey Rep. Josh Gottheimer: “The date was something we voted on, and every single Democrat in the caucus supported it. And it’s a rule, it’s not just a press release … and the Speaker publicly committed to getting the votes for it.”  (Axios)

New York Rep. Tom Suozzi (On SALT cap repeal): “If it doesn’t happen, I’m going to look like an idiot.” (Bloomberg)