Gottheimer is already backtracking on CBO

November 5, 2021

The New York Times reports the true cost of Democrats’ reckless tax and spending bill may be as high as $4 trillion.   

NYT: “Budget experts say true cost of legislation could be $4 trillion as lawmakers rely on sleights of hand to bring down the price tag.” 

A score from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office will tell Americans exactly how much Democrats’ big government spending bill will cost, and Gottheimer promised he wouldn’t vote for the boondoggle without a CBO score but is now backtracking, saying he’d only need to see a JCT score.

NRCC Comment:  “Josh Gottheimer is already breaking his promise to New Jerseyans by agreeing to vote without a CBO. It would be completely reckless for him to vote for this big government spending bill without a CBO price tag.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Camille Gallo