Endless bad news for House Dems

November 15, 2021

new ABC News/Washington Post poll found Republicans lead 51% to 41% on the generic congressional ballot, the largest lead for Republicans in the survey’s 40-year history. 

No wonder former DCCC Chair Cheri Bustos told the Washington Post “she can’t even count on her two hands the number of her colleagues who have said they wished they were retiring.”

John Yarmuth said “he knows of members quietly planning their exits — and ‘assumes’ Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi might be one of them.”

Finally, The Wall Street Journal reports “[a]larm bells are ringing in the Democratic Party as it prepares to defend its narrow House majority in the 2022 midterm elections… Compounding the party’s challenge are sinking approval ratings for Mr. Biden, retirements by House incumbents and expected Republican gains from the post-census redrawing of House district lines.”

NRCC Comment: “There is no good news for House Democrats and their historically thin majority. No wonder Speaker Pelosi appears to be planning her retirement.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg