February 18, 2022

Yesterday the DCCC’s internal polling on COVID, crime, spending and immigration leaked.  

These are not typos.   

66% of swing voters think Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response. 

80% of swing voters in competitive districts agree that “Democrats in Congress support defunding the police and taking more cops off of the street.”  

78% of swing voters in competitive districts agree that “Democrats in Congress have created a border crisis that allows illegal immigrants to enter the country without repercussions and grants them tax-payer funded benefits once here.” 

Finally, 61% of swing district voters agreed with the statements, “Democrats in Congress are spending money out of control,” and, “Democrats are teaching kids as young as five Critical Race Theory, which teaches that America is a racist country and that white people are racist.” 

NRCC Comment: “Voters know the truth about Democrats’ socialist agenda. Every vulnerable Democrat has a choice: retire or lose.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Berg