What world is Susan Wild living in?

April 26, 2022

Here on Earth, America is experiencing skyrocketing costs, surging fuel prices, supply chain issues, worker shortages, and wages that aren’t keeping up with inflation thanks to Democrats’ reckless spending.

In a recent interview, Susan Wild revealed that on her planet, everything is just peachy, and her record of support for Democrats’ socialist agenda is erased.

Wild said that families and small businesses looking for relief from Democrats’ failing economy should consider that Democrats “already stimulated the economy considerably,” claiming “the economy is booming.”

And Wild once again peddled the lie that she’s a bipartisan moderate in an attempt to conceal her role in Democrats’ disastrous agenda, despite voting in line with Biden and Nancy Pelosi 100 percent of the time.

NRCC Comment: “Susan Wild’s best chance at getting reelected is to run in this imaginary world she’s created where she isn’t a radical Democrat and Americans aren’t getting crushed by her failed economic agenda.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Samantha Bullock